Starting a Business – What is the best structure? (Webinar)

When starting out in business, most people form a company because “that is what you do”. Whether this is the right choice
of structure will depend upon a number of factors. But there are many alternative structures which could be adopted.
For example, Look Through Companies, Limited Partnerships and Partnerships can offer significant benefits in some
circumstances. However, they can also have pitfalls if not managed correctly, and there can be unintended consequences.

This webinar will work through the advantages and disadvantages of these structures (including their tax implications) and
look at scenarios where an alternative structure (vs a company) may provide a better outcome for you or your clients.

Learning Outcomes:
You will leave with a better understanding of the alternative structures available and when their use might be beneficial.

Total CPD Hours: 1.25

Suited to:

Graduate to manager level and those who want a better understanding of the structures and the tax implications of
the various choices available.



Jarod Chisholm, Senior Partner, Findex/Crowe

Jarod is a senior partner in the Otago Tax Team for Findex/Crowe and has been a regular presenter for TEO, presenting
on a wide range of topics in all areas of tax. Jarod’s background includes working in “Big 4” firms in Australia and New Zealand
in the tax domain, and working for large corporates as a management accountant.

Jarod is recognised as an industry leader in the area of foreign investment and regularly assists other accountants/advisors
with their clients. He provides commercial, practical, tax advice in all areas of tax.

  • 20 August 2020
    10:00 am - 11:15 am
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