Motor Vehicle Ownership – Tax Implications 2023 (webinar)

Motor vehicles are an everyday reality for many businesses, even with a shift in employees sometimes choosing to work from home. The options around these assets and their use have increased.

Lease or own? Should the business own the vehicle, or the employee?

Should the vehicle be owned separately from the business? Deduct based on use or apply FBT? How does GST apply?

During this webinar, we will work through these options with practical examples to illustrate how the tax rules work and assist you to determine the correct choices for your clients.

Upon satisfactory completion of this activity you will be able to:

  • understand the rules and principles
  • make informed decisions up front with your clients when it matters most

Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes

Suited to:

This course will be suited to intermediate through to advanced accountants in public practice who are dealing with SMEs. It will also be suitable for accountants employed by SMEs.



Richard Muth, Senior Manager – Tax Advisory, Findex/Crowe

Richard Muth is an experienced taxation practitioner at Findex / Crowe having more than 10 years of experience with clients ranging from large multinational groups, Australasian groups, New Zealand based SMEs along with high net worth individuals.

A core specialty of Richard’s is helping those who are looking to call New Zealand home understand what this means for them from a tax viewpoint. Richard also helps those looking to take up opportunities overseas understand how New Zealand will or will not tax them while they are away.

  • 8 March 2023
    10:00 am - 11:15 am
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