Intergenerational Transition Planning for Trusts 2023 (webinar)

The upcoming transfer of wealth from the Baby Boomer generation to their inheritors, has been described as the greatest transfer of wealth in history.

With significant financial wealth in New Zealand being held on trust, what are the practical implications for upcoming transitions for trustees and beneficiaries of trusts?

Where wealth will continue to be held on trust, what planning is required to prepare the next generation of beneficiaries? Where wealth is planned to be distributed, what impact might it have on inheritors?

In this Webinar, Lindsay Pope will talk through some of the practical challenges of transitioning wealth through trusts.

He will identify specific areas of focus to help trustees and their advisers:

  • Prepare for upcoming transitions in trusts.
  • Get the right view of their trustscape.
  • Get better definition around their forward plans.
  • Improve the trustee and beneficiary experience.
  • Capture and communicate settlor intent.

This webinar will focus on the relational and qualitative aspects of transitioning wealth through trusts for settlors, trustees and their beneficiaries.

Lindsay will share recent experiences and ways for trustees and their professional advisers to lead productive conversations to improve the transition of wealth through family trusts.

Upon satisfactory completion of this activity you will be able to:

  • Identify challenges associated with transitioning wealth held on trust.
  • Improve trustee/beneficiary relationships.
  • Recognise opportunities for trustees and advisers to facilitate more purposeful planning conversations

Suited to: Professional accounting and legal advisers, professional trustees and trust professionals.

1.25 CPD hours duration



Lindsay Pope

Lindsay Pope independently advises professional advisers and private clients on ways to meaningfully steward and transition family wealth.  Lindsay is President of the Estate & Taxation Planning Council of New Zealand and with 45 years professional trustee experience, is well placed to navigate the challenges of intergenerational transitions with trusts.  You are welcome to connect or access further resources at

  • 18 July 2023
    10:00 am - 11:15 am
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