Accruals, Provisions & Prepayments – A Review of the Tax Treatment (Webinar)
This webinar covers key income tax considerations that advisors and their clients need to be aware of for income tax deductibility.
The webinar focuses on areas that are part of day-to-day activity that also have some technical challenges associated with them.
The webinar will cover a review of the requirements for income tax deductibility and provide a practical explanation of the key tax considerations
and technical challenges.
These include the following:
- General rules for deductibility
- Accruals & provisions
- ACC levies
- Bad Debts
- Accrual Expenditure
- Employee Accruals
- Inventory Obsolescence
- Warranty Provision
- FBT Accrual
- No Invoice at balance date
- Prepayments
- General Rules
- Unexpired Expenditure
- The Determination
Upon satisfactory completion of this webinar you will be able to:
- Have an increased understanding of the income tax issues in the areas covered
- Better process deductions in the areas covered in financial statements and tax returns
- Have more confidence in advising SME clients on income tax deductibility in the areas covered
Total CPD Hours: 1.25 (1 hour + 15 min. Q&A)
Suited to:
This webinar is suited to intermediate through to advanced accountants in public practice and is also suitable for corporate accountants.
Mike Hadwin, Director, Symmetry Advisory
Mike is a regular presenter for TEO Training. You will learn from Mike’s 35-plus years of tax experience as a public CA and facilitator. His clear presentation
style enables you to quickly understand and apply practical learning concepts to common situations you may face in your role.
15 April 2021
10:00 am - 11:15 am